Journey to Congo BRAZZAVILLE, an unpublished destination for tourism.
Malaki Live is “going to Africa not to sympathize with lions, crocodiles, elephants or giraffes, but to fraternize with human beings!”. It is a chance of learning a different culture. The journey is based upon the principles of responsible tourism, which is about tourists making environmentally friendly, sustainable, ethical and respectful choices when travelling and minimising the negative impact of tourism. Periods: april – august – Christmas holidays
Lenght: 2 or 3 weeks, according to the group
Journey organised in collaboration with the Italian travel agency “Planet viaggi Responsabili”.
The tourists group (min. 6 people – max 10 peole per journey) will be accompanied by a guide of the ass. MALAKI MA KONGO who speaks fluently French, English and Italian and who will also operate as an intercultural mediator between the group and local people.
Program : visiting the mean cities of Brazzaville and Pointe Noire with their markets and typical places; some villages in the perifery and/or outside them; the Congo river; the Gorges of Diosso and the Loango villages and Museum; the forest of Mayombe; a trip to the river of Bas Quilou; the Mausoleum of Pier Savorgnan de Brazza and more.
Durying the journey, we’ll visit Malaki ma Kongo development projects; see local artists performing traditional music and dance, with the chance of participating to stages for those who want to; taste local food; visit art and artesanat markets, and much more.
The program of the journey has a margin of flexibility and it may be modified from time to time due to the tourists’ group exigences, or to momentary unavailability of the guesting communities, or to variations of social and environmental conditions that might happen right before/during the staying.
Therefore each journey turns out to be unique!